sexta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2023

BALA DE COCO QUE DERRETE NA BOCA - Sem ir ao fogo! @CozinhaDaVice


BALA DE COCO QUE DERRETE NA BOCA - Sem ir ao fogo! @CozinhaDaVice

Hoje foi o dia de fazer estas deliciosas e fáceis de fazer, Balas de Coco.
Bem vindos todos aqui no meu canal.

Vamos a receita

½ quilo de açúcar de confeiteiro
½ xícara de coco ralado (coloquei coco seco de pacotinho)
6 colheres de leite de coco (colocar aos poucos)

Para banhar:
Leite de coco
Coco ralado seco

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MODO DE FAZER... CLIQUE AQUI e Assista o Vídeo

MODO DE FAZER... CLIQUE AQUI e Assista o Vídeo

Um comentário:

Kylan Gentry disse...

Hello everyone on here, I want to share with you all a great testimony on how I was cured by Dr Jekawo, who cured so many diseases.
I was suffering from herpes and diabetes also my little sister was a victim of blood cancer too but with the help of Dr Jekawo we are all fine, well with his natural remedies that he prepare then send to us through dhl courier he then instruct us on how to drink the herbal medicines which we did and today we are completely well, we have being living free for 2 years now and it's seems like a God sent when I met him online by a lady giving testimony online like I'm doing right now.also I have introduce Dr Jekawo to several colleagues from works suffering from different kind of diseases and Dr Jekawo has healed all of them with his herbal knowledge. he's a great man with ancestral power to cure people with herpes,cancer,diabetes,hepatitis,hpv,lupus,als,hiv/aids, also spiritual consultation he's available for that as well.
I email him on: because that's the only source to get to him as he lives far from the United state,I told him that I will be giving testimony on his behalf because he's a good man with a Godly heart.


00:00 = VÍDEO 1: BIFE DE LOMBO SUÍNO À MILANESA HUMMM Dias atrás resolvi fazer estes bifes de lombo suíno à milanesa, ficaram muito sabor...